jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012


2 comentarios:

  1. Through this main map you could identify the set of behaviorism structures, they are: imitation, repetition, practice and the most common structures which are reinforcement and punishment.
    Structures definition:
    Imitation: when the learner copy an action or a behavior from the teacher or from the social environment to produce knowledge.
    Repetition: while we are imitating, we start to repeat the action creating a habit.
    Practice: it is a systematic exercise for the purpose to develop some skills that allow us to acquire a SL.
    Reinforcement: increase the possibilities to repeat the action or the behavior in the future. It is divided in two ways, on the one hand positive reinforcement in which the learner is rewarded for a good job, on the other hand a negative reinforcement avoiding a particular behavior before exhibiting it.
    Punishment: decrease the possibilities to repeat the action or the behavior in the future. Punishment is divided in two ways, positive which present an aversive stimulus, and negative to remove of an appetitive stimulus.

  2. In this link: http://www.veramenezes.com/slatheory.pdf you can find a little bit more about behaviorism and the structures that compound it. In this guidelines written by Vera Lucia Menezes de Oliveira, in page number 2 you can see the different methods that behaviorism has.
