domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012


The shepherd is always taking care of his sheep’s, he knows what the best food for them is, and he takes them to the best field camp and always takes them through the best path. As a future teacher I want to be like a shepherd, I want to guide my students through the good knowledge teach them how to behave well not just in a class, also in their personal life. As we know we will find different kind of personalities that we have to face trough our career as teachers for that reason we need to know and use the best methods to handle those students. As everybody say we’ll also find the “black sheep” in our classroom and in every place, but for this students exist good methods to avoid that they go for the bad way. As you can see in the picture, it has the shepherd guiding his herd, the different personalities represented by colors sheep and the black sheep, showing them the good path and the wrong path

sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012

metaphor by Juan Pablo Puentes

In my near future as a teacher I would like to be as a potter, because I think this is our transcendental responsibility, no just with the kids also with the society. Our students are as a mud, they need a molder, hands which help them to grown up as an important piece of the society.
Is important for us as teachers, make a wonderful and special piece of art, taking into account each of student’s feelings, emotions and needs. Also is too important to know that each of our students is different that is why each of our pieces of arts will be different.
Sometimes the potter could find trash on the mud and it makes him to disarm the crock and start the process again, it is the same in the teaching labor because we could find problems in our students that make us to change our methodologies and it make us to start with the process again.
I am really impact with the ability of the potter he get to discover in a simple mud, the possibility to transform it in a beautiful and useful piece of art and this is the real value of our labor because we have to discover in each of our students, the best way to transform them in an active part of the society. It does no matter if we have to suffer in this process the most important think Is how useful we could be.